At STG, the Adolescent/Young People that we serve are not Beneficiaries, but CONSUMERS who “Purchase” our Services and Goods for their personal use
Save The Girls has a strategic plan to guide the organization on strategic objectives for the next five years.
The strategic plan will guide and inform our development and funding partners, investors, beneficiaries and other stakeholders of the work we are doing and foster strong linkages and partnerships with them to achieve maximum results and impact.
It also set out a clear framework for accountability, mechanism of achieving the stated objectives, as well as ensuring that sustainable impact of our programmes is measured, critiqued and appreciated.
The Save The Girls Education Programmes directly support basic education in early childhood and primary school, in its schools; and secondary and tertiary education through sponsorships.
The education programmes aim to provide school infrastructures, logistics, and improve the quality of education by strengthening the capacity of teachers to improve classroom practice and learning outcomes for the learners. It also maintains and strengthens school governance, and promotes children and entourage engagement in school management.
Save The Girls has built 4 Schools in Sinda District. Since 1996, a total of 12,539 leaners have studied at these schools, receiving free quality education in Pre-school and Primary Education, school materials. We Create Dreams for a brighter and better future in our learners.
We create the missing Adolescents and Young People’s Evolving Capacities ‘Chair’ that will enable them seat on their own, at The Three Legged ‘Table’ of (1) Leadership, (2) Entrepreneurship and (3) Life skills.
Adolescents and young people should acquire the education and skills needed to participate in, to contribute to a productive economy and become self reliant. ( Human rights to development)
We Build various Soft and Hard Skills, and Equip our Consumers to participate in their communities and help them take action to influence positive change.
Duty bearer policies, systems, processes and practices are more inclusive of, and accountable to female and male children, adolescents and young people.
In partnership with Young Africa, Save The Girls has provided Life Skills to a total of 50 (36F, 14M) adolescent girls and Boys, and linked them to Enterprises for Internship. Seven (7) have started their own businesses.
In partnership with Young Africa, Save The Girls has provided Life Skills to a total of 50 (36F, 14M) adolescent girls and Boys, and linked them to Enterprises for Internship. Seven (7) have started their own businesses.
We ensure that children, adolescents and young people are protected from risks in their physical and social environment.
We build human social capital and natural assets around the children, adolescents and young people and their entourage; while flattening socio-cultural and traditional harmful practices.
We Strengthen the accessibility, quality and responsiveness of formal systems, e.g. education, health, etc. through which social services are delivered to children, adolescents and young people, and their entourage. Liven Up: To give life, viguor
We build the Confidence, Assertiveness, and Presence (CAP) of children, adolescents and young people (the Self), the voice (Talk), and their ability to bring about the changes they want in their lives (Walk); and promoting collective action (Walk with).
Using a participatory approach, Save The Girls provides the following Gender Based Violence prevention services:
Life Skills and Social Skills Provision: Equipping adolescent and young people (females and males) with vital soft skills, e.g. self-esteem, decision making, saying No, effective communication to help them build healthy relationships and approach life in a position of power.
Awareness Campaigns in our schools and the community at large to ensure safety and to upholds children’s rights
Capacity Building of teachers to identify and respond to GBV in schools and link victims to GBV care services.
Capacity Building of Traditional Leaders to help transform their attitudes, beliefs, and norms vis-à-vis the children’s rights and responsibilities.
We raise awareness on Children’s Rigjhts among children, their parents, teachers and community members
To provide Social, Spiritual and Behaviour Change (SSBC) services to the girls and their entourage for (1) the Prevention of HIV/ AIDS/TB, Gender Based Violence, Covid-19, Malaria; (2) the Promotion of Reproductive Health, Water and Sanitation and Hygiene; and (3) Spiritual Support
All our schools implemented Spiritual, Social Behaviour Change Communication (SSBCC), using national and STG developed materials.
Learners in our schools are trained in Life Sills and Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) using the 59_10+ Framework. Once trained, learners formed Liberation Clubs and take their problems in their own hand, under the mentorship of the Guidance Teachers.
To save lives of Adolescents and Young People, we Raise Awareness, and implement Health Education and Health Promotion Activities in our schools and communities.
We fight HIV, Tuberculosis, Malaria, COVID-19, Water Born and Water Washed Diseases
Strengthening Governance and Management Structures and Capacity of STG Secretariat, while Establishing Strategies for future financial sustainability and creation of a strong STG Brand
Using sewing machines donated by Tools With A Mission (TWM) we equip and train women in tailoring so that they become self- reliant and support their families.